Design Psychie: Dinning Al Fresco

From tea parties to birthday celebrations to back yard BBQ's, dinning out doors has been a wonderful summer tradition. 
In this case we created a space for a late afternoon lunch. Overall it kind of reminds me of an "Alice in Wonderland" vibe. We wanted a space that was functional with a little chic added to it. Eating out doors allows a little more freedom to relax and linger. Maybe its because all the prep can take place elsewhere and you can forget about clean up and live in the moment!
Whatever the case may be, I say seize every opportunity to Dine Al Fresco; whether it be at your a yummy restaurant, in your back yard or at the park.
For this particular event we wanted to create a space for girlfriends to gather and chat the afternoon away. The accessories where use to make one feel like the indoors had literally been transported outside.  No walls to confine you, yet still classy and chic.

Chatter was the second most important element to us...behind the delicious food of course! So plate settings were kept to one side of the table as it was rather long and it created a more group like setting, perfect for conversation.

We used a combination of textures in the linens as well as in the plate settings to create warmth and an inviting atmosphere. A little side tip: your dishes do not need to be a matching set. Mix a few from various table settings to create a whole new look. We do it with outfits, why not dishes. In this case white dishes from all different sets were used to create a more vintage feel.
Lastly, don't forget color! Being outdoors is  the perfect opportunity to use bold beautiful colors. Colors you might be too afraid to use inside. Colors that stir emotions and feelings. Colors capture nature and make it pop! This table runner from Pier1 has great colors, from mustard yellow to bright pink. It was to perfect compliment to the wild flowers and greenery all around.

So remember Dinning Al Fresco is a great way to feel amazing. Just look at this list of benefits:
*A Dose of Vitamin D- essential for a healthy life style.
*Color- Just having blue skies and green grass can create tranquility and healing. Adding other colors will cause additional positive vibes.
*Sociability- Dining outdoors causes us to slow down and enjoy a meal with great company. No eating in the car, in front of the T.V. while outside. But rather a chance to enjoy conversation and good company.

So for your next get together, think about moving it outside and enjoy the beauty mother nature gave us!

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