Days of Halloween GIVEAWAY Day 3: Small and Simple Halloween Porch

Some of us are not blessed with gorgeous wrap around porches that go on for miles and have porch swings and bay windows. Some of us have front stoops instead...Some of us don't have pillars, and grand front doors 14 feet high, or glamorous chandeliers on our front porch. Some of us just have cement...BUT I say we can all have a warm and inviting space to welcome guest! And Halloween brings many-a-guest to ones abode... So here is a way to create a space leaving people saying "who wouldn't want to trick or treat here?!"

Some tips if your porch falls closer to a stoop side:

1. Don't think symmetry, think balance. Create one vignette on one side opposite an architectural aspect of your porch. It could be a window, a ledge, an off center door or in this case a support pole. Take a step back, assess and then create. 

2. Work vertical. Stacking items in a triangle allows you to work up and not out and is a very pleasing shape for the eye. In this vignette, simply turning a crate vertical allowed us to create that triangle affect.

3. Color. Make that porch POP! Color, color,color. Rich colors via flowers, plants, decorations will make everyone driving by, walking by or biking by want to stop and take a second glance.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice front entryway~ Thanks so much for sharing this last week on Made in a Day! I'm a new follower!
