Personalize with Hand Made Accessories

It seems to me these days, that there is an epidemic of DIY projects everywhere, especially with the rise and fame of pinterest. I understand that it is becoming more and more difficult to live amongst all these "easy to do" projects, when you, yourself may not be a "crafter", or "do it yourself-er". Its rough and I understand that. When the chances of you gluing your fingers together before reaching the checkout line at your local craft store is higher than you knowing the difference between emerald green and teal is not a good sign. BUT...I say there is hope and there is a way to personalize your home with some of your own creations. Take this flower box for example. 

In three easy steps you can have a home accessory with some of your personality.
Step 1: Choose a container that has your style: for me it was a very tailored tweed covered box. What can I say the textures just popped out at me.
Step 2: Choose some of your favorite flowers. ( The best part about this is, you can change your choice depending on the seasons. Its the home accessory that keeps on giving.)
Step 3: Arrange them by cutting the stems at various lengths and positioning them into your base to create a beautiful arrangement made all by yourself.

See how easy is that?! Not to mention there was no glue involved. leaving your fingers free and happy.

Project time: 30min 
Cost:  As little as $15.00 depending on your choices.


If you have any DIY "glued finger stories" we'd love to hear about them. So go ahead, don't be shy and leave a comment! 

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